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絹谷幸二天空美術館では昨今の国際情勢を鑑み、美術・藝術力による平和への提言「絹谷幸二 平和へ」を開催します。






Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. It can be said that this is the fruit of the activities carried out by the only country in the world that has suffered from atomic bombings, which has continued to call for the abolition of nuclear weapons and has poured its heart and soul into such efforts. The recognition that peace is the common prayer of all human kind is universal, regardless of whether we live in the East or the West. In light of the recent international situation, the Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum will hold a Special Exhibition, “Koji Kinutani Peace,” a proposal for peace through the power of art and the arts. At the root of Kinutani's world, which uses rich images and colors to explore all things in nature as amotif, is the strong belief that “Art is mightier than nuclear weapons.” His ideals and strong passion are to show the power of art as “wisdom” to help people all over the world who are suffering from theravages of war, and to celebrate the revival of dreams and hopes in the hearts of people. Please fully experience the true essence of Kinutani’s art.

主な展示作品 / Main Exhibits


Click on the image to see a description of the work.


〒531-0076   大阪市北区大淀中1-1-30 梅田スカイビル タワーウエスト27階​​

Umeda Sky Building Tower West 27th Floor 1-1-30, Oyodonaka 1-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka  531-0076


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